Thousands of cries…. tears in those eyes….
Sadness dominating each emotion … seemed to be a success…
Seeing the moon glazing from my window… I struggled to concentrate….
Is this sadness? …. A heart break it is… a feeling of unwanted presence…

Seems to be loss of humanity and lack of love…
When i asked myself what is sadness?…
My heart took a break from my break down…
Seeing a pretty little flower getting dried up and there’s nothing you could do about it is sadness…

Seeing a dead dog right in the middle of the road and people riding bikes and cars over it… and all you can do is just ride sideways and do nothing about it is sadness….

Seeing a news of a small girl being raped and imagining her pitiful situation and being able to do nothing about it to actually change it is sadness….

Seeing a real handicapped beggar as you walk by a beautiful street … and by feeling his pain you give him some money and in return he joins his hands and bends down to thank him…. and you cannot reduce his pain and actually do anything about it is sadness….
Seeing people bribe each other and you are being taught how to do that task and you become a part of a system against your will and you can’t really do anything about it is sadness….

Innumerable pains and sorrows in the world… from which we all run away and focus on a small little sorrow which is negligible to this huge mother earth of ours…
Seems like a dream when we see all the people laughing….
Maybe its just a matter of priorities… Everybody finds their own problem the biggest ….
For a while… lets look at the bigger picture and forget our own issues and respect all the creatures and human beings that go through a lot more than we do….

The feeling that you experience after finally imagining all the above situations is actual sorrow… is actually SADNESS….

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